Talking With My Tween | Chevy Malibu Spa Day

Please visit the Gotta Love Chevy OK blog to read the three things I learned about my amazing tween the day we took the Malibu to the nail salon, compliments of Oklahoma Chevy Dealers.

My adventure driving a 2010 Chevy Malibu for a month and blogging about is quickly coming to an end. I have to turn the car in Wednesday. I’m really going to miss it! I am in a race to write about my top 10 favorite spots in Oklahoma City via the Malibu by September 8. I’ve got three down and seven to go. You can find out what those first three are in the video below or watch the video on the Gotta Love Chevy OK site.

talking wishes with my tween at the spa (2) from Jennifer James on Vimeo.

Disclosure: The Girls On The Go campaign is sponsored by southern Chevy dealers who give selected bloggers a new Chevy Malibu to test drive for one month and ask them to blog about the experience using the vehicle. Girlfriend Getaway will give me some fun projects to do and will provide me with gift cards to allow me to do them.

P.S. I had a great time talking with my tween!

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. HeyRay

    One thing I have always noticed in pics you post of your kids is that Juliette seems very age appropriate…I never get the impression that she’s in too much hurry to grow up, she isn’t trying to be older than she is. And that’s truly a testament to your effort with her.
    Your photos capture so much, even the simple ones.

  2. Yogi♪♪♪

    I’m going to miss your posts about you and the Malibu. Maybe they should let you keep it another month?

  3. kent fischer

    congrats on your link on Steve Lackmeyers okc central blog site. So sad you have to turn the car in Wed.


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