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Doodly Couch Drawing Journal |How do you feel today?

We often hear how important it is to talk about our feelings and sometimes even write them down. But, what about drawing or even doodling your feelings?

I recently published a post about some of the coolest bus bench advertisements I’ve ever seen. They feature the work of a local Oklahoma City author, Amy Morgan, and her Doodly Couch product line of drawing therapy journals and workbooks. The journals (“for brides, caregivers, new mommies, patients teenagers, expectant women, travelers, everyone!”) are an invitation to doodle how you feel each day.


When I published that post, I had no idea I would soon connect with Amy. I wasn’t even certain the company was locally owned. But, she saw my post and emailed me and then graciously offered to send my kids and me some Doodly Couch workbooks. Oh, the wonders of blogging!

It’s Oklahoma Blog Week, and one of the things I love most about blogging is getting to connect with people I normally would not meet. Blogging is an amazing portal that can lead you in so many different directions. This week it led me to the Doodly Couch and I’m so glad it did.

I first discovered the Doodly Couch drawing journal for kids and adults when I passed this bus bench advertisement!

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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