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Horn Seed Open House, November 6-7

Me with my babies in 2008. Look how much they’ve grown below!!

Horn Seed’s Christmas Open House has become a tradition for our family. Here are some pictures from our trip today.

Juliette Horn Seed

The kids have each picked out an ornament every year since December 2005. We picked one out for Bridgy when I was still pregnant with her. That means this year, we’ll have 17 Old World ornaments from Horn on our tree. Keep it Local!

Bridgy craving cantaloupes

Horn’s Open House is still going on tomorrow. Santa Claus will be there along with free cookies, coffee, hot dogs, popcorn and horse-drawn wagon rides. We look forward to this event every year.

My precious little boy. He still believes.



Nativity Display in Window


Juliette  – I always love the way her hair shines in the sun.

Green is Bridgy’s color! She’s three, but this is my fifth Christmas to celebrate her life.

Robert loves Horn and remembers to take us every year.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. le@thirdontheright

    love that pic of sully with santa – best le

  2. Yogi♪♪♪

    That looks like loads and loads of fun. I love family traditions like this.

    -My precious little boy also still believes. We aren’t telling him any different.

  3. Anonymous

    Horn’s is one fantastic place to visit and their OPEN HOUSE is something you don’t want to miss. So glad all of you were able to go again this year. The photos are wonderful. Love the smiley faces. It is an indication the Holiday Season is here.
    Love you– Mom

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