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Eagles in Oklahoma

Where the sacred rivers meet
Beneath the shadow of the Keeper of the plains
I feel thunder in the sky
I see the sky about to rain
And I hear the prairies calling out Your name 

From Mullins and Calling Our Your Name

Watching Eagles in Oklahoma at Lake Arcadia

Sullivan saw his first bald eagle yesterday at Lake Arcadia in Edmond, Oklahoma. I snapped this picture of him just as he was saying, “I see two!” 

Click here to see the picture I took of it. It’s not the best in the world, but I’m glad we were able to document it. It was pretty exciting!

The last time I saw a bald eagle the year was 1976 and I was in the third grade. We were living in Colorado Springs and my awesome third grade teacher, Mrs. Donna Pittman, took us on a field trip to a big park in the mountains. While we were there we had a picnic and made God’s Eyes. I was sitting on a rock minding my own business when I turned around and saw an eagle about 200 yards away. It startled me and remains one of the most stunning things I’ve ever seen in nature.

Eagles in Oklahoma

The raptor we saw today was about 25 minutes from downtown Oklahoma City. According to an article in the Edmond Sun, the area is an important wintering area for bald eagles. “They migrate south from their nesting range and stay wherever they find open water and plentiful food,” the article states.

The Annual Eagle Watch at Lake Arcadia runs through today. I’m so glad we took the time to go. Sullivan will never forget the day he saw his first bald eagle in Oklahoma, just like I won’t forget the day I saw mine.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Andi

    I got to see some when I was in Alaska a few years ago, it sent a chill through my arms it was so exciting.  While driving back from Key West to Ft. Lauderdale in December I saw a lone flamingo flying in the air.  It is the first time I had seen one outside of a zoo and I was so excited!

  2. Rose Byrd

    Such a gift you have given us today with this beginning poem and enchanting photo on this post, Jen!  May you be richly blessed and “lifted up on wings as eagles” for many days to come!  Yes, ma’am, the blessed creatures,like eagles, of this earth call out our names if we only stop, get still (like you as a third grader on that mountain picnic!), and LISTEN!

  3. yogiabb

    I love the expression on his face. Another example of great adventures to be had in Oklahoma.


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