Generations United and Grandparents: Infographic, website highlight growing influence and impact of today’s grandparents

[Infographic Monday]

WASHINGTON, Sept. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Grandparents have a significant and growing impact on the well-being of their grandchildren and families, a fact brought home by a new infographic being released today by the nonprofit, Generations United.

“As the graphic illustrates, grandparents and other adults over 50 are making major contributions to society, whether through volunteerism and advocacy, financial support, child care, or simply sharing their wisdom and knowledge,” said Donna Butts, executive director of Generations United. “The number of grandparents is growing rapidly and they represent a tremendous resource for helping us address societal challenges—especially challenges facing our nation’s children and youth. We have 65 million grandparents in the US today. Imagine if we were to tap into the talents and skills of just 10 percent of those older adults. That would mean 6.5 million adults who could give voice to our children on issues from education to medical care. Many are already doing so and many more would do so if asked.”

Some Interesting Facts

  • 2.7 million grandparents are responsible for most of the basic needs of children living with them.
  • Grandparents who are raising their grandchildren are saving taxpayers an estimated $6.5 billion by keeping those children out of foster care.
  • Thirty percent of children under the age of five with a working mother are cared for on a regular basis by a grandparent.

The infographic is designed for use in the media, classrooms, civic meetings, service clubs and other educational settings.

“It’s important that all generations understand how much we depend on each other,” Butts explained. “We decided to release the infographic just ahead of Grandparents Day 2012, which is next Sunday, Sept. 9. Usually Grandparents Day is a single-day celebration, traditionally a time to honor grandparents and our elders. But this year, we are encouraging families and individuals to celebrate the entire week and do something grand by engaging in intergenerational action. And we are asking grandparents and anyone over 50 to show their support and join our Grand Faces Grand Voices campaign.”
Along with releasing the infographic, Generations United has launched a website devoted to Grandparents Day ( Visitors will find a comprehensive action guide; a Grand Faces Grand Voices pledge to advocate on children and youth’s behalf; a new publication profiling famous and not-so-famous adults who were raised by their grandparents (available Mon., Sept. 10); and a Grandparent’s Tip Sheet developed with MetLife Mature Market Institute (available Thurs., Sept. 13). Generations United is also using Facebook and Twitter to provide daily updates, images and quotes to share, and new developments.

NFL, AARP, Save the Children, etc.
A number of organizations are partnering with Generations United to focus attention on the changing role of grandparents and the importance of intergenerational engagement. They include: the NFL Players Association; MetLife Mature Market Institute; AARP; Child Welfare League of America;; Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families; Grandfamilies of America; Grantmakers in Aging; LeadingAge; The Legacy Project; National Association of Area Agencies on Aging; National Association of Counties; National Council on Aging; National Association of Foster Grandparent Program Directors; National Human Services Assembly; Our Time; Save the Children; Voices for America’s Children; Youth Service America; and ZERO TO THREE.

What is Generations United?
Formed in 1986, Generations United is the national membership organization focused solely on improving the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational strategies, programs, and public policies. Representing more than 100 national, state, and local organizations and individuals representing more than 70 million Americans, Generations United serves as a resource for educating policymakers and the public about the economic, social, and personal imperatives of intergenerational cooperation. For more information, visit

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Jennifer

    I agree, Rose. I do wonder about all these new burdens, financial and physical, on grandparents!

  2. Rose Byrd

    We need to ALL be united to build a better world for coming generations.

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