Wild Kratts Birthday

Wild Kratts Birthday Party

The baby kangaroo was the highlight. (Click to enlarge.)

Wild Kratts Birthday Party

My son Sullivan loves the PBS show Wild Kratts so this year we threw him a Wild Kratts birthday party. We kept the party super small because we hired Extreme Animals of OKC to bring some fun animals over to help us celebrate. A middle-aged mother who is skittish around house cats can only handle so many wild animals and people in her backyard at a time. Ha! As it turns out, I could have probably handled a dozen kids.

Wild Kratts Birthday Party

Sully with a white cockatiel who said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Juliette falling in love with a lemur. (Click to enlarge.)

The animal handler was terrific and really put me at ease. Except for snake. The snake completely undid me at the seams. It was a compromise since among the creatures Sully wanted to select was Madagascar R*aches.  I can’t even type the word. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I had a lot of fun making T-shirts for all the kids.

Wild Kratts Birthday Party

Bridgy with a Hedgehog; my mom with a lemur; Bridgy with a snake and Sullivan with a Coatimundi. 

Anyway, for a boy who loves this show,it was super fun!

wild kratts logo

Since I don’t have a crafty bone in my body, I scored some awesome Creature Power Disc printables from a Mommy Blogger, YellowMums. I really appreciate moms like this who share all their stuff with moms like me! She saved me a ton of time.


Firefly Birthday goody

Firefly Birthday goody

Wild Kratts Birthday Party Favors

Wild Kratt Treats

Wild Kratts Fun Facts Birthday Treats

Fun Facts Birthday Treats

Wild Kratts Creature Power Discs Birthday Party

Creature Power Discs

Birthday Good Bag

Birthday Goody Bag

Sully is a wonderful boy who makes everything better every day. He is a blessing to our family and worth a million Wild Kratts birthday parties.

Wild Kratts Birthday Cake

Wild Kratt Paw Print Birthday Cake!

Wild Kratts Birthday Party Exotic Animals

Extreme Animals animal handler with Sully and a baby kangaroo.

Wild Kratts Song Lyrics

Sully sings the theme song to the show every time it comes on:

On adventure with the coolest creatures 
From the oceans to the trees 
The brothers Kratt are going places you never get to see 
Hanging with their creature friends 
Get ready, it’s the hour 
We’re gonna see some animals today with creature power 
Gonna go wild, wild, wild Kratts 
Gonna go wild, wild, wild Kratts 
Cheetah speed and lizard glide 
Falcon flight and lion pride 
Happy Birthday, Sully! Creature Power!

wild kratts birthday party animals lemur


wild kratt T-shirts birthday party

Wild Kratts T-Shirts

Wild Kratts Birthday Party Extreme Animals

Extreme Animals | Wild Kratts Party

Wild Kratts Birthday Party with Real Animals Hedgehog

Wild Kratts Birthday Party Turtle

Big Turtle

Wild Kratts Birthday Party T-shirts

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Emmanuel

    I love your hair?

  2. Stephanie

    Can u email me the fact sheets please? Love your party ideas.

  3. stacey

    just found your blog post and it’s giving me great ideas for my son’s upcoming birthday- he’s obsessed w/wild kratts! curious if you remember what you used for the ‘bat’ favor bag???

    • Jennifer

      I think I may have skipped that bag or might have possibly used rubber bats from Dollar Tree or somewhere like that. My son is 11 now and doesn’t watch Wild Kratts much anymore. He’s moved on to Jeremy Wade and River Monsters, which feels like a logical next step from Wild Kratts. LOL. I’m glad you found this post useful. I love celebrating my kids’ birthday and the Wild Kratts one was the best. =)

  4. Colleen

    I’m curious about the animals. What company brought them?

  5. Carrie Van Eyck


    Thank you so much for posting all of these ideas! My son LOVES Wild Kratts and he is having a wild kratts party in a few weeks. I was just wondering where you got the (or did you make) the creature fact sheets?


  6. Maria Jordan


    I love what you’ve done with the DIY Creature Power Suits! The toy company I work for is making all of the Wild Kratts toys which will be available in 2014. We would love to hear your feedback on what your son really loves about the Wild Kratts.

    Hope to hear from you soon.


    • Katherine

      I’m throwing a similar party for my daughter next month (complete with live animals). Thanks for sharing your party ideas!

      We also cannot wait for the Wild Kratts toys! If you’re still looking for feedback, Maria, we’d love to talk with you.


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