Satin Pillowcase Hairy Fairy Brings Girls Tangle Free Dreams

Meet Harriet, the Hairy Fairy. She’s a little doll stuck snug inside the pocket of a pretty satin pillow case. She has quite a life story.

Harriet brings tangle-free dreams to help ensure little girls have tangle-free hair. The secret is in the satin, which decreases frizzy hair tangling caused from tossing and turning while sleeping.

Don’t you just love her messy blue mop? Try combing that crown-and-glory!

Hairy Fairy Pillow Doll Tangles

Harriet, the Hairy Fairy. She sprinkles fairy dust and takes your tangles away!

Hairy Fairy is the creation of Eliza Kelly, a Seattle-based entrepreneur. From the news release launching the product:

The benefits of sleeping on a satin pillowcase have been known for generations: satin maintains salon styling and promotes smooth frizz-free hair and healthy skin. But, until now, no one has designed a satin pillowcase specifically for little girls.

When I posted information about this on my Facebook page, one of my friends commented that her grandmother always sewed satin pillows for her grandchildren. I love how an age-old tradition can be updated for mass-market appeal.

You can get your little girl a Hairy Fairy pillowcase for $32. It looks like there are coupons posted regularly to Facebook and Instagram, too.

hairy fairy satin pillow case doll

Hairy Fairy Satin Pillow Case

Dealing with tangles is easily the worst part of my morning. The other day my little girl Bridgette played in the snow and by the next morning her hair was a matted mess. Remember this picture from this post from last November?

O My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with the help of your grace, to do penance, to sin no more and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In His Name, O Lord, have mercy.

Playing in the leaves

Well, it was 100 times worse after rolling around in the snow. We needed some of Harriet’s magic fairy dust.

pink satin pillowcase hairy fairy

I love these pillowcases and can totally see myself buying Bridgy one for Christmas. Heck, my teenager might even like one! I can also see this product line growing. The doll is so adorable. I love the story about her and I can see it expanding into a book.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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1 Comment

  1. Eliza Kelly

    Hi Jennifer – thanks for the Hair Fairy shout out! I love your blog and am now a follower – its awesome!! Same for the tweet. Be well and Happy Thanksiving! Best, Eliza (Chief Tangle Wrangler)


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