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A Long Line of Warriors (Black Coffee With White Friends)

Woodlawn Community on Chicago's South Side in 1973

This photo is from the U.S. National Archives. It was taken in the Woodlawn Community on Chicago’s South Side in 1973. I sourced it as a companion for the following quote from the blogger at Black Coffee With White Friends. Otherwise, it is unrelated to the aforementioned blogger. I thought these girls – all now in their late 50s and early 60s – were so happy and beautiful. Warriors, indeed.

My girl, did you not know that you and I almost weren’t? We come from a long line of warriors who didn’t make it. Those warriors battled long and hard, war after war. But though they may have been physically battered and bloodied and left for dead, oh my goodness, spiritually they wielded swords that pierced many a dragon straight through the heart and saved us. And so, here we are. You and me.”

–Note To My Daughter, Black Coffee With White Friends

I’ve come across thousands of blogs over the years. Marcie writes so beautifully, I couldn’t wait to share her work with you. Check out her blog (link above), and follow her on Instagram. You will be blessed. As far the amazing typography on her blog logo, that is the work of her super talented husband Simon Walker who does custom lettering. His work is also amazing!

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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