News Omits Gen-X From Chart Defining All Living Generations

Generation X: The Lost, Forgotten and Now, Omitted Generation.

Generation X: The Lost, Forgotten and Now, Omitted Generation.

Generation X is not just a lost or forgotten generation. We are now an omitted generation. In a story  that aired on January 11, CBSN completed omitted Gen-Xers from a chart titled “Generation Guidelines: Defined By Birth.” 

The story was based on a BuzzFeed article, Millennials: The Burnout Generation, by Anne Helen Petersen. You can see the chart in question pop up at 2:19 seconds.

I invite you to combat this heresy (ha.) by sharing this article, Who Is Generation X?, on your favorite social network.

You may also want to check out some of the hilarious responses to Steven Hyden’s original tweet about the chart. Click here to see them.

Update: HuffPost has covered this story in a funny article, Generation Xers Have The Most Gen X Response To Being Left Off The List.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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1 Comment

  1. Brett

    Unusally, I find myself agreeing with Patton Oswalt in the HuffPost roundup.


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