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The Silent Gen Mamas of First-Wave Gen-Xers (Pictures)

Happy Mother’s Day, Generation X. I put together this rare gallery of Silent Gen mothers on Easter and Mother’s Day, 1967 and 1968. All of the pictures feature first-wave Generation Xers born between 1961 and 1968. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do! Many of the pictures also feature our older siblings, many of whom are Baby Boomers.

I continue to note disagreements on the Facebook page from time to time regarding the years of Generation X. The sweet spot seems to always be the years between 1965 and about 1978. Generation X actually begins as early as 1961 and spans at least 20 years, all the way to 1981. Some historians and sociologists add or subtract years on each end by one or two. You can learn more about our generation in this post I wrote a few years ago, Who Is Generation X?

As some of you know, I lost my mom on Christmas Eve 2017. It’s very difficult living with this loss. Life on earth will never be the same. I can no longer go and see my mother. One blessing, however, is the passing of the mantle of faith from one generation to the next. I’ll never be the saint my mother was, but I feel the same weight on my shoulders that she felt; to leave an inheritance to my children and my children’s children. It’s why I work hard every day. It’s never for me. It’s always for them.

God bless you this Mother’s Day!

All photos shared publicly on Facebook.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Brett

    There are pictures of my mother in plenty of those and similar outfits. Then the 70s happened and everyone dressed like Maude. 😉

    • Jennifer

      And, we all still do. Blech! I’m so over this cheap knit fabric.


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