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Take Me Back to Roller Skates, Feathered Hair, Cut-Offs and Tube Socks (Daily Photo)

Oh, her glorious early 1980s feathered hair.

Oh, her glorious early 1980s feathered hair.

DAILY PHOTO: #TakeMeBackTuesday to Generation Jones and roller skates and cutoffs and feathered hair and tube socks and Pintos and Datsuns and Mustangs.  The girls who were just a little bit older than me who wore graphic tees and smoked behind the school and wore Gunne Sax to prom. They were Generation X. (Photo Credit: Keith Parker)

We’re all familiar with the debate over the birth years of our generation. Tomorrow, I will begin working on a long-form piece that will attempt to explain why it begins in 1961 and ends in 1981. I will argue that the most GenX of the GenXers are those born between 1961 and 1964, and 1979 and 1981. Keep an open mind. I think after you read this piece you will agree.


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Richard Avery

    I totally agree that Gen X starts in ’61 and MAYBE end at ’81. I prefer ’61 to ’79 to cover 95% of the folks born over the course of the 60’s and 70’s. Anyone born past ’80 I have hard time thinking they are not just an older Millennial or Xennial but not necessarily a Gen Xer. But I am willing to read what you have to say. Could be an eye opener:).

  2. Jennifer Becker

    interested to hear about your upcoming thoughts on birth years!


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