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Girl in Ronald McDonald Dress, Late 1970s (Daily Photo)

I have been hanging on to this photo of a little girl in a Ronald McDonald dress since 2014! She has to be one of the only kids in the history of the McUniverse to be photographed in this giddup on school picture day. Isn’t she totally adorable? Her name is Lisa. She was a blogging friend from back in the day! This was her Kindergarten picture. I think she told me it was taken in 1977, but I’ve lost touch with her and her blog is no more. =( It may have been 1980. I wish I could remember.

In 2016, McDonald’s pretty much retired Ronald McDonald.  A rash of creep clown crimes finally put him out of commission. Kind of sad, huh? I grew up with him and he never scared me. He was super fun and kind and I was convinced he loved me as all clowns should love children. Right?

From 1974-1976, my older sister Becky worked at McDonald’s part-time. She was such a hard worker! She’d take me to the mall and spend part of her paycheck on me. She along with my older sister Faith and older brother Billy always made sure I had some nice clothes as money was so tight (non-existent – ha) growing up. Anyway, in 1975, Becky threw me a birthday party at McDonald’s. Some friends from school came and we sat at a booth and had a little party with special treats and swag. It was so much fun.

Speaking of fun, check out the comments on this picture on Facebook. One follower shared a picture of herself in the dress. It’s such a great photo! And, another follower shared a picture of her and her sister. She’s wearing a Burger King dress!

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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