A Thanksgiving Story

I used to be a public information officer (PIO) for a large ambulance service. Much of my job involved responding to media queries about “bad calls” that reporters would hear on police scanners. Every day I received dozens of calls about potentially horrible situations, referred to by...

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Moving From Blogger to WordPress

I am now in the process of making the switch to WordPress. My domain has been transferred and within 96 hours it should be pointing to a new host. During this switch, jenx67.com may experience some downtime. So, I’m thinking now is a great time to do one of the following: Subscribe to my...

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Generation Flux

Remember the flux capacitor? It was the core component of Doctor Emmett Brown’s time traveling DeLorean in the Generation X hit Back to the Future? It’s what made time travel possible for Marty. I thought about it yesterday when I read an article about a new generation, Generation...

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Now What?

What are life’s most difficult questions? Read on to discover one of mine. Esther Cepeda, a columnist for the Chicago Sun Times, wrote an article recently about Gen Xers coming into their own.< Here is an excerpt: “Because they live in the shadow of both generations, they have never been...

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Generation X Is Stressed Out

The Daily Beast reports today that Generation X is the most stressed-out generation. The findings come from a 2010 study from the American Psychological Association, Stress Findings in America, which details that women are 8 percent more stressed than men and married women are 11 percent more...

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