I used to be a public information officer (PIO) for a large ambulance service. Much of my job involved responding to media queries about “bad calls” that reporters would hear on police scanners. Every day I received dozens of calls about potentially horrible situations, referred to by...
An executive survey released by the Futurestep division of Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY), the preeminent global people and organizational advisory firm, reveals the heads down, get-the-job-done attitudes and priorities of Generation X employees. When asked which generation is the most engaged in the...
I am now in the process of making the switch to WordPress. My domain has been transferred and within 96 hours it should be pointing to a new host. During this switch, jenx67.com may experience some downtime. So, I’m thinking now is a great time to do one of the following: Subscribe to my...
Remember the flux capacitor? It was the core component of Doctor Emmett Brown’s time traveling DeLorean in the Generation X hit Back to the Future? It’s what made time travel possible for Marty. I thought about it yesterday when I read an article about a new generation, Generation...
According to a new study by three Canadian Universities, Generation X, which made moody and tragic Kurt Cobain an icon, is still in a bad mood. Yes, friends, Gen Xers are angry and grumpy; however, last week, a much longer, 25-year study by a Michigan professor found that Gen Xers were...
Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be… From Mary Chapin Carpenter and Grow Old Alone With Me Jon Miller, a political scientist from the University of Michigan, has released findings from a major, 25-year study on Generation X. Turns out that despite the lingering stereotype of...
Why did my lover have to pick last night To get down Doesn’t it matter That I have to feed the both of us Employment’s down… It’s just another manic Monday –From The Bangles, 1986 For at least two years I’ve been hearing about the coming resume tsunami. I...
Forbes blogger Jenna Goudreau has written a post about miserable Generation X and Y women, Are Today’s Women Drowning In Generational Anxiety? It seems despite having more choices than any of the generations of women who have gone before them, Generation X and Y women are miserable, their...
What are life’s most difficult questions? Read on to discover one of mine. Esther Cepeda, a columnist for the Chicago Sun Times, wrote an article recently about Gen Xers coming into their own.< Here is an excerpt: “Because they live in the shadow of both generations, they have never been...
The Daily Beast reports today that Generation X is the most stressed-out generation. The findings come from a 2010 study from the American Psychological Association, Stress Findings in America, which details that women are 8 percent more stressed than men and married women are 11 percent more...
I thought I’d read everything there was to read about the career trajectory of Generation X, but this post took me by surprise. It’s about aging professors and a thin pipeline of Gen Xers readied to replace them in colleges across the nation. Essentially, as the writer of the...
The Washington Post has published an article by Joe Frontiera and Dan Leidl, Generation X in the workplace: Stuck in the Middle. (Frontiera and Leidl of Meno Consulting write the regular column, Leadership Playlist.) If you’re a Gen Xer and you have a career, you can’t afford to miss...
[…] with minimal disruption, echoing the parenting attitudes of previous generations, such as the latchkey kids of the 70s and 80s. This…
[…] https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Slam-Book https://thepinoyofw.com/best-slam-book-questions/ https://www.jenx67.com/2008/09/i-loved-slam-books-in-junior-high.html […]
Hello, Jill! It's so nice to receive a message from a majorette. No doubt, it was a grand experience for…
I was the majorette at my Catholic high school (William V. Fisher Catholic) in Central Ohio. Fall 1993-97! Loving these…
Thank you so much. This post was one of the hardest I ever wrote because the trip was difficult. I…