Who needs fancy ski slopes and fancy equipment when you’ve got a cardboard box and a steep driveway? Talk about Generation X frugality. Once, I took my youngest skiing in Breckenridge. This was way more fun and cheaper, too. Ha! There’s probably no better place to have fun than right here at home.
Juliette demonstrating the winter advantages of a steep driveway.
Never throw away a big box. Turns out, it was worth the $50 we paid for it.
Don’t push me too fast. I’m a chicken.
My precious little ones.
Daddy steals the bobsled.
He makes falling look good.
Sully practicing the Olympic art of fencing.
This man loves to play with his kids. I love him for it!
Arm loads of responsibility.
(Bigger arm loads of love.)
I was sitting in my window drinking coffee and watching your family on this day. (not in a creepy way) I was just wishing I could put on my warm cloths and join you! Your kids are really going to treasure these pictures when they are older.
Weee. I’m exhausted just looking at the pics. Very fun.
These photos melted my heart Jen. What a beautiful family you have. Please keep showing them off. I would have loved to have been there with you, joining in the fun.
We don’t get snow in Sydney, Australia.
Take care always
Okay, I’m up and running. Come over and see what I’ve got for you!
Bridgy reminds me of Anna Karenina. These photos are wonderful! You all just look so happy and in love with each other. It’s so nice to see that.
We never had a steep driveway unfortunately, but my best friend did. We used it for everything – “Mother May I” games, sledding, biking, you name it!
Keep on being random – it works!
Jen–I LOVED those pictures of your kids having fun. I was able to experience it vicariously through them! And it also reminded me that children (the young ones anyway) don’t care about the shiny new sled–they are just as happy with a cardboard box. Considering our current economy, this might inspire other parents to bring out the cardboard sleds!
We like to slide down our driveway too. But the snow is gone now. It snowed twice this week, but the snow didn’t stay long.
Nooooo way. Couldn’t do it. When it gets in the 40’s I freeze up. Even Florida cars can’t take it. A few weeks ago I left the house when the temp was 37 and my car was having a hard time turning over.
I love reading your comments to see if your darling hubbie has been by – he melts my heart with his sweet words – he’s a keeper 🙂 le
i want snow i want snow and I want it nooowwwwww !!!
you even look great in cardboard and Bridgy Bridgie – oh my to die for coat and hat 🙂 le xoxoxo
Awww I loved these pictures! Makes me want to leave the city–where the snow is always grey and we have to go sledding in an empty parking lot. Which is flat, btw–so involves a parent running around pulling a sled. I like this thing you Okies have called hills.
How absolutely precious this post is!!!! My very favorite picture is the one of you and the kiddos captioned, “Arm loads of Responsibility”. Your family is beautiful, Jen, really lovely.
Hard for me to believe that you are out there sledding while I am out here sitting in the 75 degree sunshine! I wanna play, too! Keep enjoying those fabulous moments, dear friend. Those babies will grow up way too fast.
Thank you for the super sweet comments that you leave for me. For some reason, your comments really touch my heart. I LOVE that your beautiful Juliette knows the lyrics to Bruce songs! Another generation of “Bruuuuuuuuce” lovers is growing up. Are you excited about his half-time show at the Super-Bowl? I am both excited and sad because this is the first year my bro won’t be here to watch the game and he would have absolutely gone crazy for Bruce’s half-time show. Ironic…
Make some snow angels for me!
Sweet family pictures…so much more fun in the ice/snow than I had!! Although the spin your hubby took might not have ended so fun!
Great pictures of you Jen!
Did you get my other question about PR?
Aww mann! I wanna do that with my kids. I miss the city right now.
Question? How did you do the ‘function disabled’ on your pictures?
Man, I want me some gloves like Sully’s.
Looks like tons of fun.
Sniff, sniff….I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!! They reminds me of “Cardboard Hill” in H.H! What a wonderful family moment…I love the pic of you and Juliette the best. I miss you all SOOOOO MUCH!!!!
Love, Lin
This makes me long for my Colorado home where I grew up.
So fun.
You are such a wonderful mom. If I wasn’t married to you I would want to be. Love you.
Looks like so much fun! Great shots.
How fun! What a great memory.
Great photos!! Your kids are just soooo darlin’. I could just scoop up Super-Bridgy & Sully for loads of hugs (I miss my Grands !!). Ice, etc. is almost completely melted here. I am ready for that 60 degree Saturday LOL.
Hugs, blessings, good vibes to all of you!!!!
Blessed be…