Urban Garden Part 1 Tilling

Kids in a wheel barrow

I’ve been inspired by a number of blogs devoted to urban gardens. I’m also very interested in the growing trend toward edible landscapes vs. perfectly coiffed lawns. So, I’m happy to report that this year, after many years of wanting to have a vegetable garden, my dream is coming true! Several days ago, my husband Robert, rented a rototiller and bought 1.3 tons of rich mix soil. He tilled about 12×8 section of the backyard. I tell you what, urban farming is hard work!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I started homeschooling my oldest child in January. I think the garden will be an excellent outdoor laboratory for her as well as the little ones. I think they will learn quite a bit, and I am beyond grateful for the time I will have to spend with them. This has not always been the case.
We will practice the “ancient faith” of dropping a tiny seed into the ground and watching it become a vegetable. We’ll learn patience and hopefully discover there is more to life than instant gratification. I am excited to see my children, who live in a highly urban environment, reconnect with our agrarian roots. One thing is for certain, they love playing in the dirt.

I am also so happy that my mom will be helping us. She was an accomplished gardener during her years in Tennessee. She and my dad had an amazing vegetable garden that extended from their backyard all the way to the train tracks. I know she misses those days, and I hope she will find joy in being with my kids and transferring to them all that gardening knowledge she learned alongside my dad during the last healthy years they had together.

Also, I finally made it back to Horn Seed where I picked up seeds for jalapenos, radishes, green beans, okra, squash, zucchini and pumpkins. The kind folks at Horn provided me with a when-to-plant schedule. I’ll be returning in two weeks to buy tomato plants.

I have few urban garden goals for myself which include canning salsa and freezing as much zucchini bread as possible. I also hope the pumpkins grow bigger than oranges because my Sully is counting on it.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. jenx67

    @Territory Mom, @Tiaras – Thank you!

  2. Tiaras and Tantrums

    cute photos

  3. Territory Mom

    It looks like you are going to have a great garden!!! Your kids are so adorable. Your making memories.

  4. jenx67

    @stefunkc – you got it!

    @daisy – oh, my. we tried a compost pile once for a school science project. my daughter diverted 40 pounds of trash from the landfill, but we needed like, a year for those potato peelings to break down. lol. that’s a great reminder, though. i’ve always wanted a compost bin. maybe i should buy one now.

  5. jenx67

    @muffin man — mmmmmm. yumo. jalapenos with corn muffin (man). hahahaha.

    @cat – I know she shares the sentiments. she talks often about the time she spent with you all growing up. Very sweet memories for her.

  6. Daisy

    Best of luck to you! If I may make a recommendation, you might enjoy composting. It’s a great science experience (simple decomposition!) and will provide your garden with fertile soil for many years.

  7. TheMuffinMan

    Save me some of those jalapenos! 🙂

  8. Cat Bybee (Always)

    Some of my favorite memories are those of “helping” Grandma pull out the weeds from the garden, and carrying all the zucchini and squash back to her house so make her famous zucchini bread. I wouldn’t change those years for anything. I hope my favorite cousins have the same experience 🙂

  9. Stefunkc

    I wish you the best of luck! And hope that you get it all figured out, blog about it, and next year I can follow your guidelines!

  10. Poetikat

    Oh, I wish I could do this, but my backyard just doesn’t get enough sun. There are huge pine trees on the other side of the fence that block out the light – except in one corner and that is taken up with shrubs. I love fresh homegrown veggies – especially tomatoes. I tried to grow cherry toms the other summer and they were doing quite well, until the squirrels made short work of them.
    I love the photos of your kids and how they interact. The love just radiates in your family.


  11. jenx67

    @Berlinkat – I’ve been very interested in Generation X and Buddhism. I should have also mentioned that there has been a fair amount written about it including “Blue Jean Buddha.”

    Thank you for the note about encouragement. I never thought about that before. I do enjoy encouraging people when I have the energy to be thoughtful and genuine about it.

  12. John Hayes

    Good for you! That sounds great. I bet your kids will really enjoy it, too. I still have fond memories of helping to weed & harvest in my parents’ garden back in Vermont when I was their age & younger.

  13. Anonymous

    Great post and pics of the kids. The only thing missing is my gorgeous wife.

  14. Berlinkat

    By the way, I meant to add that I think you have a true gift for encouragement.

  15. Berlinkat

    This sounds so neat! I think your kids will learn a great deal. I have been reading “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver and realizing that I have sooo much to learn about agriculture in this country. I also love the playlist and can appreciate what you wrote about religion in this country. That REM song brings up some memories, that’s for sure! Happy Monday to you…

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