Paseo Arts Festival 2009

Every year, I look forward to Memorial Day Weekend because that means its Paseo Arts Festival time in Oklahoma City. There is an authenticity to this event, and the crowd is so different. People — from babies to Boomers — dress for the occasion, and by that I mean they roll out their tie-dyed and midis.

Pass the salt and pepper, please.
I love all the colors of this stained glass.


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. McMGrad89

    Great photos, Jen. I love it. We have a great art fest in Salado, but it the people aren’t as eclectic. They do have great art fests in Austin, I just never like looking for parking.

  2. Daddy Forever

    We have the Rose Festival over here. But it usually rains and it’s no fun walking through mud.

  3. Yogi♪♪♪

    Oh, that looks like a lot of fun. I loved all your photos but the one with the salt and pepper shakers is my favorite.

  4. T.R.

    Fantastic images! This makes me homesick!!!! Looks like a beautiful day!

  5. John Hayes

    What fun, & what great pix–everything from clowns to kids playing the cello!

  6. missqokc

    Great pics! Paseo is always so interesting.

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