Picking Blackberries in Oklahoma, Sunberry Orchard, Luther

June 21, 2014 Update: Sadly, Sunberry Orchard is no longer open. If you’re interested in picking blackberries in Oklahoma please visit the State of Oklahoma’s Agritoursim website. It’s a rich resource for U-pick.

I have heard great things about Buffalo Creek Berry Farm.

Picking Blackberries at Sunberry Orchard, Oklahoma City

Picking Blackberries at Sunberry Orchard, Oklahoma City

Sunberry Orchard is our favorite for picking blackberries in Oklahoma. The kids and I headed out there earlier this week to pick blackberries.

We’ve made this trip every year for the last four years. Sunberry is located in Luther, Oklahoma, about 15 miles from where we live. It’s a beautiful drive. We take old Route 66 to Luther Road and go south.

Sunberry Orchard

Sunberry Orchard

Woman Picking Blackberries in a strawhat

Mom picking blackberries

Sunberry Orchard is located between NW 63rd and NW 50th Streets. I love to pass the corn fields on Route 66; the livestock feed supply in Luther; the wide, open fields adulterated by the asphalt of a bumpy, two-lane highway.

This is the Oklahoma tourists really want to see.

I hope they can find it.

Sunberry Orchard is open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Saturday.  It cost us about $20 for 2 quarts of blackberries.

My mom went with us this year. Doesn’t she look cute in her straw hat?

Bridgy thought they were strawberries.

not ripe blackberries

Not ripe yet.

Juliette and I search for the biggest, fattest blackberries – the ones that practically fall off the vine when you touch them. This was the first year Sully was really good at picking. He searched for the big fat berries, too.


Sisters Picking Blackberries

Sisters Picking Blackberries

We picked the blackberries without the thorns, but if you go, take gloves, because the biggest blackberries are the ones on the pushes that stick you. Enjoy!


The song Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine by Tom T. Hall, was on an 8-track tape my big brother Billy sent me from his Marine Corps base in Okinawa, Japan in the early 80s.

It’s hard being 12 and having a brother in the Marines during the Iranian Hostage Crisis; the bombing of Marine barracks in Beirut. I missed him so much. This song will always remind me of him! And, my son, Sully, reminds me of the boy he was that I didn’t get to know because he was always five years older me.

Picking blackberries in Oklahoma makes me melancholy. It feels old-fashioned and homegrown, like my childhood.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Daddy Forever

    My kids like picking berries too. Of course they probably eat more than they take home.

  2. John Hayes

    Berry picking is such a fun outing–bet your kids will remember that for years. I still remember going blueberrying with my mom & grandmother & sister when I was very young–perhaps not much older than your youngest daughter.

  3. miruspeg

    Oh Jen I forgot to tell you.
    Guess who is going to see the Flaming Lips in Sydney next Tuesday……..ME, ME, ME!!!


  4. miruspeg

    What a beautiful post and photos Jen. Family outtings like this are a real joy.
    When I come to Oklahoma next July I’ll be sure to travel down Route 66, sounds like a my type of scenery that I love to soak up.
    I am sure Oklahoma is going to steal my heart!

    Big hugs

  5. Rebecca

    I’m just sitting here WONDERING why you did NOT come and pick up the ONLY AUNTIE in the state your kiddos have so she could go with you!???

    But…if you had then Ju would have had to protect both Super Bridgy AND I from the bugs.

    You must have known…right?

    Love it sis…love it! Oklahoma continues to steal my heart away.


  6. Jim Smith

    Jen…love your photo series. This reminds me of picking blueberries as a family in Pennsylvania.

    ‘Making Memories’ is one of the greatest gifts we give our kids.

  7. Lance

    Hi Jen,
    This reminds me of several years back, when we lived in Michigan. And in the woods behind our house was this patch of blackberry bushes with the biggest, juiciest blackberries. So delicious! And right out our back door.

    I miss that…

    You’re right, that’s what I love – seeing the real parts of the world. The back roads. Real life in action. Jen, you paint a wonderful picture of the Oklahoma countryside…

    Enjoy (oh, it looks like someone already has!) the blackberries…

  8. jenX

    YOGI – They have plenty of berries left!

  9. Yogi♪♪♪

    I love family outings like that. It looks like you had a great time.

  10. Understanding Alice

    looks like a lovely day out – we sued to have that sort of day out, and then make summer pudding with the fruit (literally) of our labour 🙂


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