Pilgrims Were A Popular Halloween Costume in the 1970s

Happy Halloween from the Gen X Blogger FL Confetti /The Shape of X!

Gen X Halloween Memoirs from The Shape of X:

“Pilgrim” was 1978. My grandmother made that costume back in the 1950s for my aunt to wear on Halloween. I won a 2nd place prize that year in our town’s costume contest.

“Fan” I think is 1979. My brother, the accident victim, was made from medical supplies in my mom’s first-aid cabinet. I was a Flamenco dancer (can’t you see the passion in my eyes? LOL). Notice the rainbow in the sky; it seemed to always rain on Halloween in Florida. I remember wearing plastic baggies over my shoes that year so I wouldn’t ruin them while sloshing around in puddles trick-or-treating.

“Dr. Steve” is from 1973. My brother and I were 1-1/2 and 4 years old.

Mom was a nurse so medical-themed costumes came easy for her.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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