Wild Christmas Cookies With My Kids

My Auntie Phyllis is always so great to remember my kids at Christmastime! This year she sent cookie molds, measuring cups and measuring spoons along with a how-to guide for painting the cookies. I promised her I’d post pictures once we had a chance to break it all open and experiment. We had a great time making a humongous mess celebrating the season!I used a traditional shortbread cookie recipe – unsalted butter, sugar and flour, and frosting from powder sugar and water.

Sully’s cookies had an impressionist flair. Monet would like his! (You wouldn’t know I had his hair cut two weeks ago.)


Juliette did a fantastic job on this!

The Super Bridgy was really into painting.

He calls her Juey these days. It’s very sweet.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Jennifer K

    Those cookies look delicious. My friend Nora and I are getting together to make Xmas cookies but they won’t rock the cookies your kids made.

  2. jenX

    @LE – The cadence of your comment! It’s melodic!!! I want to hear this voice in person someday. I’m so bummbed you’re bummed! They do grow up too fast, Le. Especially Sully. I looked down one day and he was practically nestled in the crook of my arm and shoulder. When did he stop being a baby?

  3. jenX

    @LANCE C’mon over!!!! The blue ones will turn your tongue, well, blue! =)

    @JOHN – Thank you. I only ate a dozen. =/ SUcker for shortbread!

    @MOM – hahahaha! It was loud.

    @JIM – Fun mess to clean up, too. hahaha!

    @BECKY – OMG. HE DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. le @ whoopwhoop

    hello darling Jen and mr R … your babes are getting ssoooooo big !! sully is a real little boy man now and the Super B is no longer a wee babe … and the divine Ms J looks more teen everytime you snap her beautiful profile !! time flies … how do we stop that … I want to bottle the babiness, capture the tolderhood and prolong the childhood … coloured cookies seem a great way to go – many hugs from a slightly grumpy bum le who has had one of those days … but absolutely finds the joy of living in your posts – thanks honey nunny le xoxo

  5. Rebecca

    Gasp…love the cookies…I do!


    Sully looks like ME! Whoot! Whoot! He does! I”m sooo happy! ME ME ME! Sully and me! YEAH!


  6. John Hayes

    Looks like you folks had a great time–your kids look very happy.

  7. Jim Smith

    That looks like great fun an brings back wonderful memories.

  8. Anonymous


    Auntie Phyllis seems to have ESP when it comes to sending gifts. They are always (Just what we wanted!)

    What fun! making cookies and making memories at the same time. You need to “frame” these works of ART.

    Love the smiling faces, and YES– I can hear you screaming…

    Love you– Mom

  9. Lance

    These look YUMMY!! And they are all so brightly colored. They are very much “happy cookies”! Do you have any milk?? I want to come over and join you in enjoying them!!


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