Nothing between them was a mistake

October night, and you, and paradise
So lovely and so full of grace,
Above your head, the universe has hung its lights,
And I reach out my hand to touch your face…

Bugs in a Jar

Sully and Bridgy contemplate the wonders of a green grasshopper on this October night.

I believe in impulse, in all that is green,
Believe in the foolish vision that comes true,
Believe that all that is essential is unseen,
And for this lifetime I believe in you…

I invite you to read the rest of this wonderful poem, Autumn, written by Garrison Keillor in 1998. My favorite line is the title of this post.


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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1 Comment

  1. Yogi♪♪♪

    Great photograph. You captured their sense of wonder perfectly.


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