The shadow of St. Francis and pumpkin pie

What could be more Charlie-Brown-Thanksgiving than lunch at an elementary school in the fall? On Thursday, the church bells rang as kids tumbled out of the Parish school and lined up for turkey, dressing, and pumpkin pie. It’s an annual tradition at my kids’ school to invite all the parents to a Thanksgiving lunch.

I am so grateful for my precious children and for the rare opportunity they’ve all been given to attend the same school, at least for a short time. It is a blessing to our family and I never take it for granted.

What are you thankful for today?

The shadow of St. Francis inside the kids' school gymnasium. Lord make me an instrument...

The shadow of St. Francis inside the kids’ school gymnasium. Lord make me an instrument…

This is the same statue of St. Francis taken from outside. It sits on the ledge of a gymnasium window.

This is the same statue of St. Francis taken from outside. It sits on the ledge of a gymnasium window.

I took more pictures of Juliette and Bridgette, but they included faces of their friends, which I didn't want to publish without their parents' consent.

I took more pictures of Juliette and Bridgette, but they included faces of their friends, which I didn’t want to publish without their parents’ consent.

My precious little boy. He loves to say this prayer, "Remember the one who loves you the most: The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost!"

My precious little boy. He loves to say this prayer, “Remember the one who loves you the most: The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost!”

Lunch was awesome - a great tradition I plan to enjoy with my kids every year I can!

Lunch was awesome – a great tradition I plan to enjoy with my kids every year I can!

I posted this photo on Facebook and called it a water fountain. Someone corrected me and said it was a bubbler. I luv the bubbler! One of the great mysteries of my childhood: what did those letters mean!?

I posted this photo on Facebook and called it a water fountain. Someone corrected me and said it was a bubbler. I luv the bubbler! One of the great mysteries of my childhood: what did those letters mean!?

One more thing for which to be thankful: coffee! I luv the sugar bowl. This elf is an Irish Catholic.

One more thing for which to be thankful: coffee! I luv the sugar bowl. This elf is an Irish Catholic.

Thanksgiving lunch, complete with cranberry sauce.

Thanksgiving lunch, complete with cranberry sauce.

This Pilgrim also appears to be an Irish Catholic.

This Pilgrim also appears to be an Irish Catholic.

Sullivan sitting inside his classroom. I like the turkey hanging from the ceiling.

Sullivan sitting inside his classroom. I like the turkey hanging from the ceiling.


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;

where there is hatred, let me sow love;
when there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand,
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying [to ourselves] that we are born to eternal life.

–St. Francis of Assisi

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Gweyers

    I worked there for 31 years and it really is called a Bubbler. The Water Fountain/Drinking Fountain is the entire “Machine”.  EBCO was short for Ebinger Company that originally made bathroom stall “panels’. They celebrated their 100th year as a Water Cooler Company in 2010.  Probably more than you cared to know but what the heck!

  2. le@thirdontheright

    great family moments Jen 🙂 and daddy was there too – just fab – best le

  3. Jim Smith

    I could hear St. Francis’ words being sung and I read this post.

    Jen…your photography skills keep getting better and better. I especially liked the one of the water fountain and the black and white treatment of Juliette with her friends. Well done!

  4. Anonymous

    Ebco Manufacturing is the company that made the water fountain. They’re called Oasis Corporation now, but they still reference the Ebco name in their materials.

    (I call it “water fountain” too — I think “bubbler” is a Northeastern/New England thing.)

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