Bridgy, I love the way you dress yourself.

…And all I ever have to be
Is what you’ve made me.
Any more or less would be a step
Out of your plan.

 As you daily recreate me,
Help me always keep in mind
That I only have to do
What I can find.

And all I ever have to be
All I have to be…

All I ever have to be
Is what you’ve made me.

–From Grant and All I Ever Have To Be

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Jennifer K

    Do those rockin’ green boots come in adult sizes? And my friend Kristine would love the Hello, Kitty top.

  2. le@thirdontheright

    hello dear Jen – lovley images of your not so baby babe anymore !! love the new header too – best le xox

  3. Anonymous

    I love you– You’re my Angel Baby.
    Hugs– Nanny


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