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Happy Fourth of July!

Today, we went to the annual Fourth of July brunch and kids’ parade in our neighborhood. The Oklahoma City Fire Department led the parade.

Running behind the firetruck, 14th, and Walker, Oklahoma City. Bridgy’s donning her signature style. Galoshes on a hot and humid July day.

Beautiful Juliette. Two more days and she gets braces!!! Yeah!  Sometimes, it feels like she’s been my constant companion for the last nearly 14 years.
She makes me laugh every day.

My precious family. I love you all so much. Thank you for spending this wonderful day with me.
Kid with sidewalk chalk

My sandy-haired boy. He’s lost two teeth. He starts Kindergarten this fall. I’m so proud of you, Sully!! That’s Robert in the background holding Sully’s Tiggy. Tiggy goes lots of places we go.

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Fourth of July. Despite all the bad news about the economy, I’d still rather in America than anywhere else!

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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