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Astronaut Costume and other Halloween Costumes from the 1970s

Every October, I love to look back at vintage Halloween photos from the Generation X childhood. It’s always fun to see, again, what costumes were popular during the 60s, 70s and 80s.

1970s Halloween Costumes

Thanks to photo-sharing sites like Flickr, people add new photos all the time, and I found a great collection available for sharing via the Creative Commons License from toyranch.

Astronaut Halloween Costume

The photos were taken in the early 1970s (1971) and feature a teacher dressed as Robin Hood and kids dressed as witches, Batman, Caspar, an astronaut (with a monster mask), and more!

I was thinking the other day about Halloween costumes that were popular when my oldest, Juliette, was a little girl. No doubt, Generation Y girls will look back and recall Powerpuff Girls and Harry Potter costumes. As far as Generation Z, I’m sure the streets will be filled with Sponge Bob costumes. That was Sullivan’s top choice this year.

What’s your favorite vintage Halloween costume from childhood?

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Sonya Lee

    Hey, I have a 1967 birthday too!! Great photo’s of past halloween pics!

  2. Anonymous

    I’ll grow old along with you. Rob


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