Pictures of People Using Payphones plus Jenny Song, 867-5309

This post features pictures of people using payphones, plus a look back on that Jenny song and one of the most famous phone numbers ever.

“Jenny is a regular girl, not a hooker…”
–Jim Keller, Lead Guitarist, Tommy Tutone, People Magazine, 1982

Tommy Tutone | Jenny, I got your number.

Tommy Tutone | Jenny, I got your number.

What would the Chronicles of Jennifer (or Generation X for that matter) be without the most popular Jenny song evahhhhh? You haven’t really lived until you’ve dialed 867-5309 and asked for Jenny.

867-5309/Jenny came out in 1982, my freshman year of high school. It reached #4 on Billboard Top Tracks Chart and was one of two top 40 hits for 80s band Tommy Tutone.

From Toner on Flickr | CC License Applies

Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?
You give me something I can hold onto
I know you think I’m like the others before
Who saw your name and number on the wall

Jenny, I got your number,
I need to make you mine.
Jenny, don’t change your number,
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)
8-6-7-5-3-0-9 (8-6-7-5-3-0-9)

Pictures of People Using Pay Phones

Here’s a picture I shot earlier this week, but i don’t think he’s calling Jenny. He’s probably calling Ashley, because he’s skewing a little older Gen Y (Millennial Generation).

Street photographer James Maher takes pictures of people reading newspapers on subways. Although the shot is a little cliche he said this about it. “In three years, capturing an image like this may be impossible when almost everyone is using e-readers or their phones. This idea makes this image much more fascinating to me,”


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Alan Bates

    Pay Phones are now used mainly for geocaches. Every city has “Phone Home” caches located in or around pay phones.


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