Gary Chapman’s A Hymn A Week

I love Gary Chapman’s A Hymn A Week project, which he began earlier this year as a way to honor his parents. It’s quickly amassed a big following and now there is a companion website.

Chapman has a long bio published on the Hymn A Week Facebook page. I enjoyed reading it, but it leaves out some of the things that make the hymn project so meaningful — the trials of his own life. These include overcoming drug addiction, career disappointments and a very heartbreaking divorce from Amy Grant. You can read about those things in this 2001 article in Today’s Christian Music.

Here is Chapman singing I Surrender All.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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1 Comment

  1. Mary Herpel

    Do you have CD’s with these hymns? I checked your website & only saw books for sale.
    Would love to have one. If you ever do, please email me.
    Love your music.

    Mary Herpel
    Fremont, CA


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