Heritage Hills in Autumn

My sweet little girl Bridgy brought me a handful of autumn goodies she collected yesterday in Heritage Hills, our Oklahoma City neighborhood. She found all these things on the grounds of the Overholser Mansion.

Autumn Colors Red Berries, Orange Berries, Blue Juniper Berries

Bridgette holds a handful of autumn colors: Red Berries, Orange Berries, Blue Juniper Berries

I showed her how to make a fall color palette from all the things she found. She was very excited.

Fall Color Palette from Nature

Palette via PaletteFX.com

Autumns Colors in Nature

Autumns Colors in Nature

I love the blue “berries” (cones) from the Juniper tree. The red berries are Corabeed or Redberry Moonseed berries and the orange berries are Fire Thorn or pyracantha berries.

Oklahoma shaped rock

Oklahoma-Shaped Rock

Here’s a couple pictures of Sullivan climbing neighborhood trees. There goes my barefoot boy.

Boy Climbing Trees

Sully Climbing Trees

Climbing Trees Barefoot

Climbing Trees Barefoot

Fall Foliage Oklahoma City | Heritage Hills

Robert points out the fall foliage in Oklahoma City | Heritage Hills

Me and the Kids

Me and My Younger Two

Every photo ever taken of me by my husband or children is completely out of focus. It does wonders for my crow’s feet and laugh lines…

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Mari

    I love these pics, everything about fall. Heritage Hills is gorgeous, reminds me of the grand, giant home I grew up in–a dilapidated, hundred-year old behemoth on the south side of Milwaukee, with broken concrete sidewalks from the roots of the amazing, large trees that lined the streets. My neighborhood looked like your beautiful streets in my mind’s eye.
    Thank you so much for sharing! These are simply gorgeous! And there’s little in life better than a barefoot, tree-climbing boy. 🙂

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