Falling Leaves in Oklahoma

There’s not been an autumn when so many yellow leaves have fallen and still so many green leaves were left on the trees.

Fall Leaves in the Street

Fall Leaves in the Street

Winters can be pretty brutal in Oklahoma. We’ve been known to have horrible ice storms. Spring can be scary, too, with all the tornadoes. And, there’s been a couple of summers in recent memory where we saw 30 or 40 days in a row above 100 degrees. We refer to these periods as heatmageddon.

But, autumn in Oklahoma is always perfect, even if the fall foliage only lasts a few weeks.

Man with arm full of leaves

Robert makes a leaf pile.

This is the time of year that the Billy Joel song, This Is The Time, swirls through my head. Honestly, I could do without it. I don’t like sad songs.

Riding in the Wheelbarrow

Riding in the Wheelbarrow

The best blogs have subplots and minor recurring characters. Unfortunately, this blog has seriously never had one subplot or recurring character unless we’re counting that orange wheelbarrow, which appears in a lot of my pictures. lol.

Playing in a Pile of Leaves

Playing in a Pile of Leaves

This little girl is a major recurring character on this blog. The Super Bridgy, along with her big sister Juliette and brother Sullivan.

O My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with the help of your grace, to do penance, to sin no more and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In His Name, O Lord, have mercy.

Playing in the leaves

Is this not awesome or what?

Man pushing boy in wheelbarrow

This wheelbarrow has been appearing on this blog for a super long time.

Robert says he doesn’t need fancy gym memberships as long as he’s got these kids running him around the yard.

Jumping Over A Leaf Pile

Jumping Over A Leaf Pile

You can fly, Super Bridgy!

How To Make A Leaf Pile

How To Make A Leaf Pile

First thing you gotta do to make a leaf pile is get a tree bigger than your house.

Boy Riding Bike Down Middle of Street

Sullivan rides his bike down the middle of our street.

A boy to help pile it on helps, too. Ahhh, such a perfect, wonderful son. You’re terrific, Sullivan!

Girl Playing in Fall Leaves

Bridgy with her purple sweatsuit and purple bike.

This tree is gigantic. Son is so attached to it he’d never forgive us if we moved away. It’s like a dog or something, which is why I call it Dog-Tree.

Riding bikes in fall

Riding Bikes

I think this Old Navy shirt from 2012 is also a minor recurring character on this blog.

Kids Bicycles

Kids Bicycles

Smiling Boy

My Smiling Boy

This picture was taken the day before Halloween (I think). As you can see,  Sully has at least one other shirt, possibly from 2013. Ha!

1989 Volvo in Autumn

1989 Volvo in Autumn

This 1989 Volvo could easily be a recurring minor character. She needs a name though. Any suggestions? We bought this car about a year ago for $100. Yes, one hundred dollars. It only needs $2,000 worth of repairs not to mention botox and liposuction. We were going to fix it up for Juliette, but she ended up getting something different. We love old Volvos because of The Family Stone, the best family Christmas movie everrrrr.

Fall leaves on a car

Fall leaves on a car

The previous owner had a student at Norman High School, home of OU Football.

Volvo DL 240

Volvo DL 240

Although the Volvo runs, it just sits in front of the house ALL THE TIME and now appears in all my photos like it’s a member of the family or something.

Halloween Kitty Cat Face Paint

Juliette | Kitty Cat

Speaking of Juliette, isn’t she adorable? This was taken on Halloween night. Meow. What a doll! I’m very proud of her. I love you, Juey.

Juey: Back to the Wind

Juey: Back to the Wind

Here’s another picture of her beautiful brown hair. Looks awesome blowing in the wind.

So, I didn’t say most of the things in this post that I wanted to say, like how amazing it feels to be alive right now, and how awful it is that people I know are starting to die — way too young.

I came home from work today and some lawn guy was sweeping all the leaves out of the street and I asked him if he could please not take away my leaves. I felt a little bit like Edith in that scene from Fried Green Tomatoes when the nurse removes the paper roses from Idgie’s room. These are her things!

These leaves are my things. I need them to stay here with me as long as possible, because once they’re gone it will be another year before they’re back, and by then we’ll all be a year old and really, so much can happen in a day.

Bridgy and Her Stick

Bridgy and Her Stick


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Shel Harrington

    (I like to think of them as friends now) – as well you should, Jen – I believe we qualify! My recurring blog subplot? My loathing of all things raisin and sincere dislike of most shades of pink. My worst nightmare? A huge pink raisin – ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

  2. Mari

    I want to make leaf angels on your lawn. This is my very favorite time of year, too, it makes me crave roast beast and I want to replace my electric lights with oil lamps. If you see a strange family piling leaves around your Volvo for a photo op, don’t fret; it’s just me. 😉


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