Mona Lisa Through the Generations + More Gen-X News Links

Mona Lisa Through the Centuries

Mona Lisa Through the Centuries | via Phunkeet Thakhar on Pinterest

Check out Mona Lisa Through the Generations

Which one do you think is the most accurate? I love how the skipped from 1900 to 2000. They completely missed the psychedelic 60s and the 50s poodle skirts. Mona Lisa would look hot in a poodle skirt.

Pictures: Transformation of Helen Mirren, 1969 to 2013

Tutorial: Grunge Makeup

Article: The Luckiest Generation

Article: The App Generation highlighting kids and iPads

Nostalgia: Finally, after all these years, I decided to let myself in on the secret of the vegemite sandwich. Hint: Land Down Under

Quiz: Breakfast Club Character Test

Book: The Price of Privilege: How Parental Pressure and Material Advantage Are Creating a Generation of Disconnected and Unhappy Kids

Infographic: Famous Personality Types

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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1 Comment

  1. Andi

    Love! Never fired a gun always wondered about it!

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