Are You There, God? It’s Me, Boy.

Big tree trunk

Sully’s Big Tree

Are You There, God? It’s Me, Boy.

Our large elm tree is the first on our street to lose all its leaves. Sully says the tree told him it’s so we can make leaf piles while the days are still warm. This year I hung lights on poles around a bed of leaves.

So, I say, “The tree talks to you?” And Sully says, “No, God inside the tree talks to me.”

Now, I understand better why every time we talk about selling the house, Sully gets upset. “We can’t move because I can’t leave the tree,” he says.

Child Praying

God speaks to us many different ways. He speaks to us through people, parables, Scripture, circumstances, signs, dreams, the still, small voice, and yes, even nature.

Sully trusts His voice and I hope he always will.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Shel Harrington

    Love this, Jen. I remember being where Sully is – the voice was The Voice and it didn’t occur to me to question it. I’m not sure what age I was when I first started asking “Did I hear that right?”

  2. Barbara

    Precious! Absolutely Precious.


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