How To Bridge From Daisies to Brownies

Twist me and turn me and show me an elf, I looked in the water and saw myself!

The end of the school year always brings a lot of fun events like the school talent show and field day. Last week, we celebrated Bridgette’s bridging ceremony marking her passage from Daisies to Brownies.  Her wonderful troop leaders (Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma Troop 136) really went the extra mile to make it special for the girls. Here are some pictures.

Bridging from Daisies to Brownie Girl Scouts

Bridging from Daisies to Brownie Girl ScoutsDaisy Girl Scout Cake

Daisies to Brownies

Sweet Bridgy: Daisies to Brownies

Daisy Cookies for Girl Scouts

During the ceremony, one of the troop leaders read the Brownie folktale. It took me all the way back to the first time I heard it 1973, the year I became a Brownie. I was a kindergartener at Bixby Elementary in Hacienda Heights, California.

Man, that was a long time ago.

Now, I have a little Brownie of my own and I can’t wait to buy her the Brownie uniform.

Girl Scout links from around the web:

The Brownie Story

A different version of the Brownie story

I love this presentation of Girl Scout uniforms through the generations.

Here’s another one. Which uniform do you like the best? Can you identify the one from your generation?

current gs in vintage uniforms

And one more.

Do you like paper dolls? These vintage Girl Scout paper dolls are wonderful.

Download the new Brownie elf paper doll. (New to me. Ha!)


My daughter is older now! Check out my post about her Girl Scouts bridging ceremony.


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Anonymous

    Thank you for the help!!!

    • Jennifer

      You’re welcome. I’m glad you found the content useful!

  2. Princess Diana

    Hi Jennifer! What an AWESOME post about Girl Scouting! I was a Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma troop leader for six years and the bridging ceremony was always very special indeed – for the girls and the adults! I’m so glad your daughter will remember that day always. #courageconfidencecharacter


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