I’m getting a tooth and cat face for Mother’s Day

Yesterday, the Super Bridgy went on a field trip to the Oklahoma Science Museum. While she was there she saw some face painting being done. She promptly came home and colored her face with a waxy blue crayon – two minutes before we had to walk out the door for her brother’s baseball game. Awesome.

Bridgy Kitty

I don’t sweat this stuff anymore. Life is too short to get ulcerated about things that don’t really matter. Besides, it made her so happy. Dirty, messy faces make kids happy.

cat faces mommy and bridgy

When she wanted to draw a cat face on me this morning I was like, no – well, OK. What the heck. Maybe it’ll make me happy. She told me this face was my Mother’s Day present.

A note to the tooth fairy

Here is a note about my Mother’s Day present from my son. I’m getting his tooth! Yea! I love his sidebar message: I WANT A PHOTOGRAPH OF YOU, TOOTH FAIRY.

In other words, don’t be trying to pull anything over on me.

Sullivan’s got this covered!

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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