Jenn Grant, The Jennifer Chronicles

Jenn Grant

Jenn Grant

For a brief time, I did a series called The Jennifer Chronicles. I miss doing it every time I come across a Jennifer like Jenn Grant.

Grant is a Generation X folk singer and songwriter that hails from Canada. She was born on Prince Edward Island in 1980. When her parents divorced at the age of 10, she moved to Halifax with her mother and brother. In May 2012, her mother died at the age of 62 from breast cancer. For her music video for the song The Fighter, she used footage of her mother being crowned Norfolk, Virginia’s Queen of Azaleas in 1973. It’s very touching as is the following tribute she wrote following her mother’s death.

Jennifer Chronicles In Honour of our mother, Heather Elizabeth Grant.

It’s hard to put into words how much our mother has taught us, and how much she loved us and how we loved her. All I know is that her teaching will continue, because I can still hear her giving me advice, and feel her love stamped on my heart.

When you really love someone, you let them be free. My brother and I are so grateful for the 17 years we’ve had with her since her first battle with breast cancer began. It was easy to forget that she was sick three times because she is one of the most youthful, beautiful and vivacious people that has ever walked the streets of Halifax. She was in remission and healthy for most of her life, but when her sickness returned this January it came quickly, and eventually lent her to the stars forever.

We moved from PEI to Halifax in 1990 where we lived as a trio of mother, daughter and son, in a wild assortment of homes that we always loved. She settled in the last two and a half years on West street. She fit like a glove within the creative and supportive north end community. She was not only a mother to my brother and I, but also to many of our friends. A great lover of live music, of cooking, of films, of the CBC, and of walking our shared dog Charlie through Point Pleasant Park. Since her peaceful and beautiful passing on the evening of Thursday, May 3rd we have received a consistent thread among the kind words from friends. When you met our mother, you were heard. You were embraced and appreciated like you two could have been old friends. To us, there is no one and never will be anyone quite like her. Even in her passing, she was kind, she was radiant, she was youthful. She taught us many things, but one of her most famous lessons was “find your passion”. My brother and I honour her memory and keep her spirit with us by doing just that. We promise you mom, that we will love and live to our greatest potential. We will always try to listen as someone pleads their heart or is just saying hello. We will share, we will comfort, we will feel great joy and great sorrow.

Our mother, Heather Elizabeth Grant died at the age of 62. She grew up in Bothwell, Prince Edward Island, born to parents Pauline and Daniel J. MacDonald. She was a sister to Blair, Gail, Dan, Leo, Walter, and Gloria. Her oldest brother Blair MacDonald we believe welcomed her to wherever she is now, along with her father. And she was a mother to Jenn and Daniel Grant.

She sends a special thank you to a few friends. Melissa Raymond, Lana MacLean, Gail MacIsaac, Carol Kass, and Elaine DeBlois.

And love to all of her friends and people that she met along the way.

Instead of sending flowers, you may want to make a donation to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, or take a moment to think about finding your own passion.

“The ocean and trees have your name on it
There’s a feeling the wind’s got a kiss from you in it
You know my heart is full and glowing
So pick up the breeze and get going.

A blue butterfly surrounds the room
Our mama lies beneath the full moon
You know our hearts are full and glowing
So pick up the breeze and get going”



Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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