New Cinderella Movie For A New Generation

Lily James as Cinderella

Lily James as Cinderella

“I want to tell you a secret that will see you through all the trials life can offer. Have courage and be kind.”

All you Downton Abbey fans will love this. The actress who plays Rose is going to star in Disney’s new Cinderella movie. The film opens in March 2015. Check out the trailer below and some publicity images.

Cinderella publicity photos by Annie Leibovitz.

Cinderella and the Evil Stepsisters

Cinderella and the Evil Stepsisters

Cinderella and Kate Blanchett as the evil stepmother.

Cinderella and Kate Blanchett as the evil stepmother.

Cinderella in the Marketplace

Cinderella in the Marketplace

Cinderella gown


Cinderella at the Ball

Cinderella at the Ball

Cinderella and Prince Charming

Cinderella and Prince Charming

Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother

Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother

I loved Cinderella as a little girl and I can’t wait to take Bridgy to see this movie.

Cinderella Book and Record by Peter Pan Books

Cinderella Book and Record by Peter Pan Books

1950s Cinderella Movie Poster

1950s Cinderella Movie Poster

1954 Cinderella

1954 Cinderella

Cinderella Movie Poster 1970s

1970s Cinderella Movie Poster

2015 Cinderella Movie Poster

2015 Cinderella Movie Poster

For more information about the new Cinderella movie, check out the extensive review on Screen Rant.

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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