When I was little, I wanted my life to be just like the Little Rascals. I loved the Our Gang Follies when Darla, Alfalfa and the gang performed musical spoofs. It was so entertaining!
When I dreamed of having children of my own, I knew I wanted to have a house that was full of paper and paints; music and magic. I wanted my children to feel the freedom to build Watts Tower in the backyard if they so wished! But, the mess. Ahh, the mess! What could prepare me for it?
Motherhood is very much an evolution. It took a long time before I was able to balance my disdain for clutter with my desire to have a home full of rich experiences. I never wanted a show house, but I do like organization. And, yet, organization is often the enemy of creativity.
As I grow older and fully into middle age, I am more and more amazed at the brevity of childhood. It goes so fast it hurts. My 9-year-old son is almost as tall as his 17-year-old sister! I can no longer carry him to bed. So, I’m savoring all the magic I can. These days are all I ever dreamed of and wished for. They mean everything to me!
It’s not exactly the most uplifting thought, but I can’t believe we die. I can’t believe we have to leave all this. My whole life I’ve believed in God and heaven. It’s given me so much hope. But, at times, I come across people who believe this is all there is — that we’re all going to die and be no more. It’s all #YOLO and make the most of it. I find it so depressing.
Although we face the great unknown, I could not go on if I did not believe in Everlasting Life. Could not.
Sweet everlasting life.
My kids loved putting on shows like this when they were younger. Your pictures bring back so many great memories.