We’ve got lots of wonderful dishes (a.k.a. links) on today’s Blue Plate Special, a round-up of the best and most recent Gen X news links on the web. Best of all, we have some birthday cake because this weekend, MTV turns 34. It aired for the first time on August 1, 1981. Happy Birthday, Old MTV!
It’s also the 40th anniversary of this Eugene Richards photo of a girl’s First Communion in 1975. The photo is part of his book Dorchester Days. If you haven’t seen it, you’re missing something special. In the 1970s, Richards, a social worker, photographed life as it unfolded through several blocks in Dorchester, Massachusetts. His photography is social documentary with a political edge.
Speaking of 1975 and First Communions, I want to give a shout-out to the blogger Leila of Little Catholic Bubble. I follow her blog on Feedly (why are you not using Feedly, friend?) and happened to dig back and find this post from 2012 about her First Communion. She writes:
“I was robbed.
I am a ‘Generation X’ Catholic, raised and catechized in the tumultuous aftermath of Vatican II. My peers and I were victims of “renewal” and experimentation gone awry, and the results have been catastrophic for my generation. Today, the overwhelming majority of adult Catholics don’t have even an elemental understanding of their Faith, and as a direct result of that ignorance, millions have left the Church…” Continue Reading
More Yummay Gen X News Links
KIDS: Generation X Parents Are As Distracted As Their Gen Z Kids
NEW SHOW: Former super model Cindy Crawford will produce ICON, a show about modelling in the Me-Decade of the 80s.
YOUTUBE SHOW: Olivia Jade, the daughter of Lori Loughlin, has launched a YouTube show. In this video she teaches her mom some Generation Z slang.
As you will see, Lori Loughlin looks amazing. Born in 1964, she just turned 51 a few days ago. She’s currently working on a sequel series, Fuller House, which will air sometime next year. By the way, did you know Loughlin turned down a couple of quintessential Generation X roles? She was offered Ariel in Footloose and Emmeline in the Blue Lagoon.
BLOGHER: How ’80s Mom Got It Right.
Over the past 30 years, American families have taken on increasing amounts of debt. For example, did you know Gen Xers have twice the mortgage debt in their 30s compared with baby boomers at the same age? Download a new study from Pew Trusts: The Complex Story of American Deb: Liabilities in Family Balance Sheets.
NEWS: Elizabeth Wurtzel, 47 and Gen X author of Prozac Nation, got married on May 31. I think she looks so happy. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.
Here we are before the ceremony, up on the roof. Don’t we look happy? We were. Our wedding was a big fun party. The ceremony was simple, but profound and perfect. David Boies does everything exactly right. We know why we said yes to forever. Yes to everything. Yes.
COVER: Every time a Gen-Xer ends up on the cover of AARP magazine, I’m posting it. It’s good to stay humble. The June/July 2015 issue features Melissa Rivers and her son. (I had no idea she even had a son!) LIST: 44 Interesting Facts About Generation X From Dan Schwabel
Jaws Turns 40. Ugh.
Last month, the Alamo Drafthouse took over the Texas Ski Ranch in New Braunfels, Texas for a terrifying 40th anniversary screening of Jaws. The audience floated in inner tubes while scuba divers grabbed at their legs. The video is mildly horrifying. I suppose I should disclose this is also the 40th anniversary of me not ever seeing Jaws. The fake sharks in this video have ensured I haven’t waited quite long enough.
1980s Video For Old Times’ Sake
Here’s a video for old times’ sake. John’s 9th Birthday Party from sometime in the 1980s. Remember when birthday parties were this simple? A bunch of friends came over your house after school and had some cake and ice cream and opened presents? Make sure you catch John’s smile at 2:15. It’s priceless. As the mother of a son, I cherish this stuff! Source: PsalmBoxKey.
Presentation: Millennials vs. Generation X
[…] with minimal disruption, echoing the parenting attitudes of previous generations, such as the latchkey kids of the 70s and 80s. This…
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