Happy 18th Birthday, Juliette

juliette and momHappy Birthday to my wonderful daughter Juliette who turned 18 recently. I love you, Juliette, forever and ever and ever. I’ve said it 100 times and it’s always truer than the time before. The happiest day of my life was the day you were born. Thank you for being with me these last 18 years.


This is you and me outside the Oklahoma City Civic Center. I’d taken you to see the Nutcracker in December 2000.

Here is a special Bible verse for the next 18 years. It’s from the Book of Joshua.

“…Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

I hope I am here to see it all as my mother has been with me. So many years, so many memories. I cherish each and every one. Especially the years I was a single mom and it was just you and me and our Honda Accord.

Over 2,000 miles to Disneyland and back — just you and me @jueyjames. The whole time you said these words, “Hold my hand, hold my hand.” As the sunsets on your 18th birthday know that I am so glad I got to hold your hand.

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First Day of Kindy Senior

First Day of Kindergarten, 2003 | First Day of Senior Year, 2015

Happy Birthday, Juliette! May your future be full of Love and Light. This is my deepest prayer for you, always. I love you! –Your Momma

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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