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McDonald’s Taps Into Gen X Nostalgia With Father-Daughter Ad

mcdonalds time after time

Tonight, while watching the Olympics in Rio, I saw a McDonald’s ad for Chicken McNuggets. The ad features a split-screen drama of a boy about eight to 10-years-old and his future daughter. The background music is Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time.

The opening scene of the commercial features a 1980-something Mercury Zephyr. I knew so many people who drove this car when I was in high school. The fact that it was such a nondescript vehicle makes its placement in the commercial that much sweeter.

Gen-X Nostalgia

I’m such a sucker for these kind of ads. This one almost goes to the edge of goofy, but somehow manages to hook me. And, not because the split-screen drama is so compelling, but because someone made an effort to cram as much Gen X stuff into it as they possibly could: BMX bicycles, Chucks, joy sticks, wood paneling, a jogging suit and an afghan pillow for good measure.

The other thing this ad underscores is the desire of Generation X parents to give their kids a better life than they had — right down to grass-fed cows and cage-free chickens. The thing is, our kids will never know the difference. We’ll fight tooth and nail to make things better for them and they’ll never know this better life they have wasn’t our status quo.

So, the generations go on repeating themselves all down the line, time after time.

After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows – you’re wondering
If I’m OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time –

If you’re lost you can look – and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you – I’ll be waiting
Time after time


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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