1970s Chicago: 20 Beautiful Pics of Children

The following pictures of Generation X in 1970s Chicago were part of the Documerica series sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Series. Creative Commons License applies.

Which picture do you like the best? I love the one of the boy coming out of the walk-up convenience store. I love the phone booth, the RC Cola sign and the bread sign – five loaves for $1. I remember 20 cent bread sales! How ’bout you?


Two little kids walk down a Chicago street in front of a wall scrawled with Black Panther graffiti. I love the little girl’s matching outfit! These quilt-like designs were popular on pants in the 70s.


Chucks and striped pants!


The makeshift playgrounds of Urban America.


I would love to know what all these bottles are on the dresser, especially the orange stuff.

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This playground looks so much like the one at Ivywild, a school I briefly attended in Colorado Springs in the 1970s.


Check out the 1967-ish VW Bug in the background.

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There isn’t a kid alive who doesn’t think this is an awesome idea — an old mattress as trampoline.

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Another red VW Bug. I love all the reds in this slide image. Some of the only good pictures from this era are the result of 1970s Ektachrome slides.


Note the phone booth. What a relic.

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Barber Shop – 1970s Chicago

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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