Prom and Paneling (Daily Photo)

Generation X Prom and Paneling | 1980s Prom

Thank You

Thank you to the faithful email subscribers of the Gen-X Daily Photo. I appreciate you sticking with me as I know the feature has been highly irregular. The challenge of gaining traction has been the lack of time needed to write sufficient text to go with the photos. Without copy, the posts have a negative impact on the site’s search engine optimization. Going forward, I will avoid these problems by manually setting these posts to noindex. Ultimately, this means they won’t show up in Internet searches, which has a down side. There is an upside, however; I won’t be sending the wrong signals to the robots about the quality of the site. Every day, I work to keep the site clean, ad-free, and interesting so to ensure steady traffic.

Daily Photo on Facebook

Going forward, I will also share the Daily Photo directly to the Facebook page, which has nearly 10,000 fans. I posted the above picture last night and the comments were terrific. Little did I know, Gen-Xers would love old pics as much as me! Last time I checked, the post had reached nearly 5,000 people, garnered 375 likes, and 171 comments.  Several people posted their own pictures in the comments section, which was awesome. It really made my day!

Thank you for being one of the first fans of the Gen-X Daily Photo. I’ve collected hundreds of wonderful pictures of Gen-Xers over the years, and I look forward to sharing them with the blog community here and on Facebook on a much more regular basis. I still might not make it every day, but it will be much more often than it has been in the past. In this day and age of total email overload, I understand if an increase in the frequency of these emails is too much. I don’t want to overload your inbox. You can always unsubscribe and simply follow the feature on Facebook.

Have a great day!

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

Thank you for subscribing. Posts are delivered ONCE A WEEK on Sundays at 6 p.m. You can unsubscribe anytime with one click. Also, we will not share your email address with anyone.

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