Toddler Drinking Beer (Daily Photo)

toddler drinking beer 1970s

Just another Gen-X toddler drinking beer.

Baby needs to watch out for Sneaky Snake 🍺 🐍 hiding in the sculpted shag.

The Subject: “I’m 90 percent sure it was an empty bottle of beer, but I am from Wisconsin so…” 😆

Source: Chris B.


Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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  1. Karen

    I just found your blog and was looking through the vintage photos. This made me LOL because my parents took a picture of me with the bottle bottom up in my dad’s chair when I was 2yod.

    I love your blog. I am researching Gen X and midlife for my own business and blog that I am building (slowly). Great work.

    • Jennifer X

      Thank you so much!!


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