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Caught In A Tree

The kids have grown up going to Harn Park, a block-long park in Oklahoma City that doubles as a crabapple orchard. In spring, the blossoming trees that line the edges of the park create an elegant public space. What I love about the park is that in our compact, urban neighborhood, it offers an...

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Rainy Day Fun With Colored Rice

If I had to advise parents, I should tell them to take great care about the people with whom their children associate. — St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Mrs. H. was the crabbiest teacher I had. She taught at the old East Kermit Elementary School in West Texas. I tried to find it recently, but...

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Boy Troubles

What we have here are boy troubles. Yep. Serious boy problems. This tangled Slinky will never walk down the stairs again. An entirely separate problem would be if you bought this thing and your house didn’t have stairs. Bwahhh! By the way, this is the prize you get at Chuck E. Cheese after...

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How To Prepare For Battle

In 1974, our family moved from Los Angeles to Colorado Springs. Our new house was a yellow split-level on London Lane in Southboro. The house next door was bright blue and there lived the family Barlass. Peggy was the youngest of four kids and lucky for me, we were in the same grade. We  became...

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Juliette’s Prom, Hope and a Future

Juliette is my beautiful teenage daughter. Sweet and classy and with a big heart for all God’s creatures great and small. She had her junior prom last week. I’m so proud of the young woman she is becoming. She’s gearing up for an exciting trip to Europe this summer. When she...

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