Daily Gen X Photos

Daily Gen X photos feature historic images of Gen-Xers taken during the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s. 


Who Is Generation X?Generation X Picture Collections
Regular Cars for Mortals (Daily Gen X Photo)

Regular Cars for Mortals (Daily Gen X Photo)

Regular Car Reviews: Regular Cars for Mortals "Cars are machines. But they're also art form in what they inspire in auto enthusiasts. In a literary sense, cars are romanticism. The emotions they create overpower reason and fical responsibility. And that's true of just...

The Rainbow Wedding of the 1970s (Daily Photo)

The Rainbow Wedding of the 1970s (Daily Photo)

The rainbow wedding of the 1970s primarily played out in bridesmaids' dresses. It's one of the best wedding trends of all times in my opinion. When I was a little girl I was definitely gonna have a rainbow wedding. I still love all those pastel colors together. I even...

Jeanna Would Have Been 54 Today

Jeanna Would Have Been 54 Today

Jeanna would have been 54 today. Born in 1967, she died in December from complications of COVID. I met Jeanna during my first days of college when I was just 17-years-old. We both lived on the 5th floor of Hatley Hall at Southern Nazarene University. She was a...

1970s Mom with Green Kool-Aid and Yarn Ribbon Ponytails

1970s Mom with Green Kool-Aid and Yarn Ribbon Ponytails

When I spotted this photo of a 1970s mom holding a glass of green Kool-Aid I knew I had to buy it! I discovered it on Etsy, one of my favorite online marketplaces. It reminded me of that Kool-Aid slogan, which first appeared in 1979: "Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids...

Toddler Drinking Beer (Daily Photo)

Toddler Drinking Beer (Daily Photo)

Baby needs to watch out for Sneaky Snake 🍺 🐍 hiding in the sculpted shag. The Subject: "I'm 90 percent sure it was an empty bottle of beer, but I am from Wisconsin so..." 😆 Source: Chris B. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!

Tom T. Hall and Billy Shooting Guns in West Texas (1970s)

Tom T. Hall and Billy Shooting Guns in West Texas (1970s)

Tom T. Hall, (b. 1936), died tonight. I loved listening to an 8-track of his songs that my older brother Billy (b. 1962) sent me for my 12th or 13th birthday. He was stationed in Okinawa at the time and I had never received a more magnificent gift. It came with an...

Remembering Puddingstone and Huntington Beach

Remembering Puddingstone and Huntington Beach

The Elliotts, 1968 I hope life, treats you kind And I hope that you have all That you ever dreamed of... (Dolly Parton, I Will Always Love You, 1973) The experiences that form my early childhood memories are like a collection of 35mm slides stored in the carousel of...

Adventures with Cousins on Bikes with Vinyl Flowered Baskets, 1980

Adventures with Cousins on Bikes with Vinyl Flowered Baskets, 1980

"We need a place just for us. It would be so secret that we would never tell anyone in the whole world about it." --From the Bridge to Terabithia, 1977. My cousins are posing with their bicycles in this photo from 1980. The original, which was taken by my father in...

Huntington Beach,1970s (Daily Photo)

Huntington Beach,1970s (Daily Photo)

I loved going to Huntington Beach as a child. Surprisingly, someone captured our visit on film in 1971. I'm the little one in the front with the ponytails. That's my brother Billy to my left and my sister Becky to my right. Over Becky's left shoulder is my cousin...

Red, White and Blue Poncho, 1978

Red, White and Blue Poncho, 1978

The poncho pictures from the 1970s never get old. Click here to join the latest Facebook conversation about poncho power.

Swimming Lessons, 1983 (Daily Photo)

Swimming Lessons, 1983 (Daily Photo)

From Patrick F. , Penned in 2009 "This is a photo I took of my daughter, Christina, in August of 1983, near her third birthday, at the community pool. She’d learned to swim while she learned to walk... "I have thirty years of memories of her. She was assertive and...

Hunting Deer 1970s
Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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