Gen X Memes

A World War 1 Scrapbook purchased at Mary’s Swap Meet, Oklahoma City, in 2018, reveals the adventures of the Lost Generation. 

Who Is Generation X?Real Pics Of Generation X

Memes to Make Gen Xers Smile

I created the following Gen X memes to make you smile. ? Hopefully, you will like them. If for some reason you’re new to memes, they are simply humorous images, graphics, videos, or pieces of text that are shared rapidly and repeatedly by Internet users. I got tired of seeing all the same memes so I decided to create some new ones.

Please pin your favorites to Pinterest or share them on your favorite social network with credit to, @jennifer.chronicles (on Instagram) or @TheJenniferChronicles on Facebook. I appreciate it!

Gen X Meme | Jellystone Family Reunion

What is a meme, anyway?

Memes are the name of all those graphics that fill your Instagram and Facebook feeds. They are typically funny images, videos, and pieces of text, that are copied and shared rapidly across social networks. You can find more fun memes from Erin’s blog, Gen X Girl Grows Up.

Gen X Meme | Jellystone Family Reunion

Hong Kong Phooey 

My husband Robert was the inspiration for this Hong Kong Phooey meme. He blurted it out while we were binge-watching Gen-Xers Daniel Son and Johnny Lawrence in Cobra Kai!

Gen X Meme The Gen X Newsletter
Gen X Meme The Gen X Newsletter

This meme never gets old.

Scary Movie Meme
Gen X Meme Boo Berry Pack Man Scooby

Boo-Berry, I love you.

All these things go together because they’re in my heart forever.

Gen X Meme Trix and Avon Rabbit

Trix Rabbit vs. Avon Rollerskating Perfume Bunny. 

I loved the Avon rollerskating perfume bunny. He was so cute! Unfortunately, I often confused him with the Trix Rabbit.

Gen X Meme Jenny's Number

Eight six seven five three oh nine

Memes are the name of all those graphics that fill your Instagram and Facebook feeds. They are typically funny images, videos, and pieces of text, that are copied and shared rapidly across social networks. You can find more fun memes from Erin’s blog, Gen X Girl Grows Up.

Gen X Meme Roller Skating

Myers Briggs Meme

Ennegram Meme

Ennegram Meme

Karen Meme

Karen Meme

Supermarket Meme

Supermarket Meme

Ferris Bueller<br />
Skip Day Meme

Ferris Bueller Skip Day | June 5, 1985

Gen X Meme Republican Party, Democratic Party, 80s Party

Created this during the insanity of 2020. It still holds true today. Ugh.

I was not the first person to create this meme; however, I redesigned it to look cuter. 😉

Gap Year Meme

Gap Year via the Barbie Friendship Plane. lol

The Gen-X Subreddit

Gen X Meme - My Snoo

The Gen X Snoo

Not a meme…

Somehow I became the longtime moderator of the Gen X Subreddit. Also, frequently absent without leave. LOL. Unfortunately, I put 2FA on my original Reddit account, which I joined a kazillion years ago in Internet time. That would be around 2008? Anyway, I lost the Reddit backup codes and inadvertently deleted the auth app. It was a bitter, ya’ll.

Do Not Lose Your Backup Codes

I’ve tried for years to get my old account back. It just ain’t happening. I had all these cute little Reddit trophies, too, and a cake day dating back to around 2008. Anyway, while still logged into my old account, but unable to access the backup codes without the password, which I didn’t have written down! I made a new account, Gen-X Moderator, and made my new account the mod. What a mess.

Anyway, the redditor who originally asked me to moderate (after kicking me off a few times – LOL – he asked me to be the moderator of the Gen-X Reddit. Not long after, I hired someone to make us this cute Johnny Bender Snoo in an effort to increase engagement.

I’m not particularly active on the subreddit anymore, but do try to moderate from time to time. There is a much more active and successful moderator on the site now. Thankfully, he hasn’t kicked me. My new cake day is like 2020. Ugh. Lost 12 years of bragging rights. Isn’t Johnny Bender Snoo cute?

Gen X Blog Jennifer Chronicles

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