Some Church in Sulphur | Vintage Religion

Today, my daughter Bridgy was an altar server for the first time. I posted a picture on Instagram to commemorate the occasion. Church has been a part of my life since before I was born. The older I get, the more I enjoy it, but I still get nostalgic for the past. I miss how church used to be, or...

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Swimming, September 1968

Happy Fourth of July, America. We had a nice day swimming at my mom’s place. We enjoyed blue Jell-O with whip cream and strawberries. My mom made her awesome pineapple upside down cake, which totally made up for the fact I boiled the hot dogs. I showed those buns who’s boss! Speaking...

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Mother and Baby, 1969

In celebration of Mother’s Day, which is May 14, I will be posting pictures throughout the month of Gen-Xers with their mothers. Most of the photos in this collection were taken in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Follow along at

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Thanksgiving Pictures from the 1960s

I love to find that rare jewel of a photo from decades past. The kind of picture that subtly captures the cultural mores and norms of American families of the day. The following Thanksgiving images from the 1960s highlight a few of these customs, some of which have stood the test of time and some...

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Marketing the 80s

What happens when we package and market history? “Trafficking in decade imagery is a balancing act. You cultivate authenticity — but only to a point. Naturally, when you’re an ’80s party band charging a cover for people who want a fun night out, you don’t mention AIDS or Iran-Contra or the...

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