Shot through the heart And you’re to blame You give love A bad name… Rock star Jon Bon Jovi was a trending topic on Twitter today after a fake news release announced the singer was dead at age 49. Fortunately, he is very much alive. Fortunately, Jon Bon Jovi hair isn’t. Ha! I...
“Jo, how could you, your one beauty!” –Louisa May Alcott, Little Women *** Dominique Browning wrote a column last week for the New York Times Fashion and Style section, Why Can’t Middle-Aged Women Have Long Hair? Here is her opener: “MY mother hates it. My sister...
[…] with minimal disruption, echoing the parenting attitudes of previous generations, such as the latchkey kids of the 70s and 80s. This…
[…] […]
Hello, Jill! It's so nice to receive a message from a majorette. No doubt, it was a grand experience for…
I was the majorette at my Catholic high school (William V. Fisher Catholic) in Central Ohio. Fall 1993-97! Loving these…
Thank you so much. This post was one of the hardest I ever wrote because the trip was difficult. I…