In the Quiet Crucible: Pray As You Go

It is in the quiet crucible of your personal, private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and God’s greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you’ve been through. –Whitney Phipps I get up every morning around 5 o’clock and I sit with my coffee on the couch...

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Saint Bridget and Humble Flight From the World

St. Bridget of Sweden wrote five inward and five outward things we must have. This wise instruction was given to her by Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Until today, I had never read these words. They are so beautiful, I wanted to pass them along to you.  My Bridgy at her First Communion, 2015...

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Mary Undoer of Knots Novena Begins Tomorrow

Mary Undoer of Knots Pray For Us Mother of fair love, I look to you. Take into your hands the ribbon of my life, and see the snarl of knots that keeps me bound to sin, anxiety, and hopelessness. I beg you, Mother, by your powerful intercession and long fingers of love and grace, undo the knots in...

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New Rosary Prayer App for Children

It’s Turtle Tuesday, time to talk about the Rosary, motherhood and Generation Z, the Homelander Generation. For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy. — From What Is Prayer, The...

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Wearing Veils To Mass: A Sign of Devotion to Jesus

What Happened To Wearing Veils to Mass? Wearing veils to Mass is a calling, not a mandate. Still, it is a beautiful tradition. On Easter Sunday, my husband Robert and son Sullivan talked Bridgette, our 10-year-old, into wearing her mantilla. (That’s another word for a chapel veil.)...

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A Prayer for the Ages

In 1972, and at the age of five, I was hospitalized for four days at Queen of the Valley Hospital in West Covina, California. When I awoke from surgery, I was alone in my room and was so sedated, I thought my arm, which I had broken, was a monster. I thought the metal clips, which kept the...

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Pray More Novenas

I first learned about novenas when my friend Laurie left a little book on my porch when my daughter was in North Africa. I was so worried about my girl traveling so far from home, and the book was an offering of faith, grace, prayer and comfort. It was one of the most generous acts of Christian...

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How To Be Free

Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters, Chained like a slave I struggled in vain; But I received a glorious freedom, When Jesus broke my fetters in twain. –Haldor Lillenas (1885-1959) Bettina Di Fiore came into my life through answered prayer and divine appointment. I was preparing for...

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Prayers That Last Forever

“…Your prayers endure forever. None of them die. They live in the air about us and they move us like the breeze of Pentecost. They may appear dead, but they sometimes lay like an ember in the dull, gray ash of the present moment. Then the Spirit blows, the coals flare and the fire burns hot.”...

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