Generation X, Winter 1980

It was such a long winter. One that began on March 13, 2020, and ended just the other day. I spent two springs, a summer, fall, and winter basically indoors. I wonder if I look younger than I would have had there not been a pandemic. I’ve missed the sun. Here are some beautiful pictures of...

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The Girl in the Preppy, Monogrammed Sweater

Monogrammed Sweater, Preppy Glory One of my favorite outfits in high school was a light pink wool crewneck sweater and a pair of rose-colored corduroys. The sweater was monogrammed with my initials, JRE; however, the E, for my maiden name, was in the center. The J and R appeared in smaller script...

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80s Fashion: Prairie Dresses

Remembering Prairie Dresses “We are celebrating a very spartan (Little House On The Prairie-style) Christmas this year (everyone gets an orange, maybe a button). I am hoping that on the bright side it will make me remember, as Charlie Brown says, what Christmas is really all about.”...

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