The level of well-being of young American women rose significantly for members of the Baby Boomer generation but hit a wall in generations that followed, the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) concludes in a landmark new report. In a PRB Population Bulletin, “Losing Ground: Young...
A few weeks ago, the Los Angeles Times published an article about Generation X women looking younger longer. It was re-tweeted about a million times. Here is an excerpt: The first wave of Gen-Xers has rounded 40, and they are changing the face of what it means to be middle-aged. Women of this...
Ad Age has published a great marketing study titled The New Female Consumer: The Rise of the Real Mom, which focuses on the needs and wants of Gen X mothers. Gen Y (Millennial) moms are also featured. I’ve read most of the study, and was struck by the simplicity of the needs of Gen X moms,...
In a recent blog post, Amy Tiemann, Ph.D., and author of Mojo Mom: Nurturing Yourself While Raising a Family asserts that marketing is an underlying root cause of overparenting. She is editing the forthcoming anthology Courageous Parenting. Tiemann writes: “As our lives were actually getting...
Helicopter Parents and Overparenting The cover of the latest issue of Time Magazine delivers yet another indictment on Generation X. The author Nancy Gibbs makes the case against overparenting, hyper-parenting, helicopter parenting, etc. She says for the sake of the kids it has to stop. Generation...
[…] with minimal disruption, echoing the parenting attitudes of previous generations, such as the latchkey kids of the 70s and 80s. This…
[…] […]
Hello, Jill! It's so nice to receive a message from a majorette. No doubt, it was a grand experience for…
I was the majorette at my Catholic high school (William V. Fisher Catholic) in Central Ohio. Fall 1993-97! Loving these…
Thank you so much. This post was one of the hardest I ever wrote because the trip was difficult. I…