Dear Sully,

Dear Sully, Once upon a time, there was a famous blogger named Dooce who wrote a letter to her daughter every month for the first five years of her life. Eventually, the letters were turned into a book, which made the already rich and famous blogger even more rich and famous. I thought the letter...

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Wipe Out: Gen X Net Worth Drops 40 Percent

Between 2001 and 2010, the median wealth for Generation X dropped 44 percent from $95,100 to $42,100. Source: Federal Reserve Bulletin, June 2012 You can’t make this stuff up, friends. It also seems worth noting that between 2001 and 2010, inflation increased more than 23 percent. The...

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Housing Crisis Erodes Net Worth of Generation X

Asking only workman’s wages I come looking for a job But I get no offers, Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue… –From Simon and Garfunkel and The Boxer NPR’s senior business editor, Marilyn Geewax reported over the weekend that the housing slump may permanently...

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